Sacred Objects
Sacred objects represent a sublime grace, an alliance between Heaven and Earth for these times. The Divine Messengers - the Virgin Mary, Christ Jesus and Saint Joseph have delivered, through this Work, sacred objects for all humanity.
Our Lady explained: “Every sign that I give you comes to assist your hearts, humanity and the world”. She indicated that souls need instruments they can rely upon, and recommended using them with great gratitude and faith, as powerful symbols of protection. The Most Holy Mary also made a request: "I come to ask you not to sell what I am giving you, but to feel it as a sacred object, a divine element that comes from Heaven".
Following the indication of Most Holy Mary, sacred objects are not sold. Its preparation and distribution are possible thanks to spontaneous donations that enable more people to receive these blessings. Your cooperation is very welcome!
The sacred objects: the Orandium, the Scapular of Peace, the Medallion of Peace of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Medallion of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus and the Medallion of the Most Holy Heart of Saint Joseph.
The Orandium, also known as the 72 beads of contemplation, is an instrument of prayer that facilitates the act of praying, leading the consciousness to a state of elevation guided by Most Holy Mary, the Mother of the World, the feminine principle of Creation. The Orandium is made of wood to remember the Cross carried by Christ. Orandium means: conscious soul that rises through prayer.

The Scapular of Peace was delivered at the fifth Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Uruguay, on August 25, 2011. The visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús reported during that Apparition: “the Divine Mother descends from Heaven, and in Her right hand She holds a brown scapular. On the one side, there is the image of the Merciful Christ and, on the other side, the image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Behind each of the images, there is the Cross of the New Humanity ”.
The Most Holy Mary explained that Christ must be in the front, on our chest, and that She must be behind, on our back; because Christ shows the way and the Divine Mother opens the Door of Heaven for souls to enter.

The Peace Medal of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity was announced during the seventh Apparition of Most Holy Mary at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, on August 27, 2011. On that occasion, she revealed what her Medal of Peace symbolizes to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, who reported: “The Virgin Mary is carrying an oval silver medal in her hands. In the center of the medal, there is a representation of this apparition: the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, having at her feet the moon and seven roses; twelve stars appear on the head; surrounding the image, it reads: I am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Around the phrase, there are three small six-pointed stars that represent the Spirit of the Son, the Spirit of the Father and the Only Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Trinity”. Our Lady revealed that in days of darkness the Medal of Peace will be the protection for bodies and souls.

The Medal of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus was announced on August 5, 2014, when Our Lord expressed His aspiration for a medal to be minted, through which souls could seek Mercy and unite with His Glorified Essence. The Master said that the Medal of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus represents the infinite expansion of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to humanity, through the Son of God; and that whoever wears it will carry, above all, His Spirit of protection and peace. Our Lord said: "I want, through this Medal, that all souls who know it reach their spiritual freedom and can enter through the great portal that I will open, through it, until redemption." Christ Jesus, November 6, 2017.

The Medal of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph was revealed by Saint Joseph in His message of August 12, 2019. He asked for a medal to be minted with His image with the Child Jesus on his right arm, along with the phrase “Pray for us” at His feet. On the back, would be His Chaste Heart with three lilies, representing the union that He lived with the Divine Trinity. Saint Joseph explained that this Medal will keep within itself all the merits achieved in His life and in the eternity of His Heart. In addition, He revealed seven divine promises to those who bear it.
Read here the full message.

The Sacred Objects depend on the voluntary collaboration of all. At Our Lady's request, they are not sold.
Help us to multiply these blessings and bring the light of the Divine Messengers to more hearts! Here's how to support us:
UNE System
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Bank deposit (from Brazil)
Banco Itaú (341) | Branch 3204 | Account 10381-0
Banco do Brasil (001) | Branch 0012-4 | Account 77262-3
Organization name: Associação Maria Mãe da Divina Concepção
CNPJ 17.695.786/0001-01
Donations from abroad (Bank deposit abroad)
• Internacional Postal Order (at Post Offices, addressed to Associação Maria). For Postal Orders, please inform us of the donation through the email:
• Banco Itaú S.A (341) | Branch: 3204 | Checking account: 10381-0
SWIFT code: ITAUBRSP/ IBAN code: BR14 6070 1190 0320 4000 0103 810C 1
Address: Rua Presidente Antônio Carlos, 375, sala 3, Centro, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. For further information or any other questions, please contact us.
Secretary of Sacred Objects